Work/ study business school : how does it work in practice ?

Many students choose the concept of work-study training to continue their studies at a business school. This principle generally consists of a week of training followed by a week in a company to put into practice the knowledge acquired during the course. Companies appreciate work-study training, because it allows them to discover the job of manager in the field.

Alternating business school

Today, most business or management schools offer students a work-study program. The formula is accessible at different levels, post-baccalaureate, post-prep, generalist or specialization. The work-study business school training allows, for example, to prepare a Bachelor or a Master in the specialty of one's choice: marketing, human resources, finance, taxation ... Some schools only offer their work-study training because they are convinced by the effectiveness of this type of teaching.

Courses of work study studies

Students who choose a management school or work-study school course benefit from the same type of education as those who opt for the traditional training route. They take courses over one or more weeks and then put their theoretical knowledge into practice within the framework of a company. They have student status, take the same exams as their colleagues enrolled in initial training and at the end of their studies obtain an equivalent diploma. The content of the programs and the pedagogy of the courses are identical. Some schools only offer work-study programs from the second year of study, the first year being intended for the acquisition of basic knowledge

Work study program selective recruitment

Going to a business school or an alternating business school is not easy, because you not only need to have an excellent academic level, but also to show maturity of mind. Indeed, you must be able to follow a high-level education and manage assignments within the company. Work-study training has many advantages. It allows you to acquire practice and to receive a remuneration which allows to finance studies in business school which are expensive. Practical internships of varying lengths allow students to experience practice and the world of work. The work-study business school allows you to learn the profession of manager in a real situation, to work on concrete projects and to participate in entrepreneurship projects throughout your studies.
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